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Voting and Information...

You may be a winner of tickets for the next venue!


Make sure you fill out the vote slip with all your information!


Include your email for an extra opportunity to win!


We can update you with current information as well! 

Acting & Drama Classes
Public Votes Matter!


 Let us know by voting!


For your convenience vote slips and the ballot box are located in the

Cabinet of Curiosities & Oddities Shop

right on the property!  



Someone is there to help you if you have any questions...


Not only is this how we reward our volunteers - but how we make positive changes in our program.


 Yes you, the public have a voice! â€‹ 






Thank you for joining us! 

Go to and rate our haunt! 


We are now on and reviews can be listed there also! 

Singing & Dance
Skinner House...

Do you know the story of the Skinner Property?

Make sure you look for Momma Voodoo...she knows the history and what comes out of the house to visit with the patrons!


Not all of the spirits are contained in the house ~ 


Some will come out into the haunt. 

If your may find them or they will find you! 

Click the button above to contact us with questions or to volunteer for our program. 

The Skinner house has been featured on A & E's

 My Ghost Story! 


Check it out


S3 - E8 - Screamville


(Season 3 - Episode 8)




Find Momma Voodoo

Make sure you look for her...your guide to the dark and twisted side.


Momma listened to you the customers and this year all new props are added...the walls have changed and she has brought forth more ghouls & madmen to feast on you...FEED YOUR FEAR! 


The haunting begins the last weekend in September 2018.


The only ORIGINAL Fright Night in town!


Located exclusively at 310 S. Broadway, Forest City, Il. 61532


The only Non-Profit in Forest City! 

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